Jin / Red Flash : He learned science on Flash Star, main planet of the Flash solar system. He has great scientific mental powers and scientific knowledge including a wealth of knowledge dealing with machinery. Kidnapped from Earth at age 3, given a scar by an Alien Hunter in the process. Since he was the oldest of the five kidnapped, his memories about the kidnapping are the strongest, although still fuzzy. He is the strongest of the team and as eldest, takes an older brother-like role, making him a strong leader.
Dai / Green Flash : He gained great strength training on the rocky Green Star planet. He made friends with boxer Ryuu Wakakusa, who further trained him in his boxing abilities. He arms himself with brass knuckles. Although he has a cold exterior, he is actually a very warm and charming person. He has a weak spot for women, loves nature and ramen. He befriended the teenage Sumire, who had actually died some years back and had been contacting Dai through telepathy.
Bun / Blue Flash : He gained speed and agility on the deserts of the Blue Star planet. He learned survival skills on the harsh planet of Blue Star, such as surviving 30 days on one cup of water and how to climb walls. He is sarcastic. As the youngest member of the team, he yearns most to find his parents.
Sara / Yellow Flash : She developed a sharp mind on cold planet Yellow Star, often seen as cold and serious herself. She is able to analyze the attacks and strategies of the villains.
Lou / Pink Flash : She developed incredile jumping abilities on high gravity planet Pink Star. She possesses immense physical strength, which causes her to easily exhaust herself.

Flash King
Flashman's giant robot that is formed when the command "Combine! Flash Cross!" is given. Its main weapon is the Cosmo Sword and it destroys monsters with its finishing attack, the Super Cosmo Flash. Its other weapons are the King Shield, King Missiles, King Knuckles and the King Beam. It was temporarily destroyed in episode 15 when the monster Za Zukonda caught it in a suicidal attack. It returned in episode 20 to help the Titan Boy when it was already defeated by the monster Za Bluezass.

Tank Command : Red Flash's mecha. It is usually on the ground, but flies for the formation of the Flash King. It forms the body and head of the Flash King. It is stored in the front of the Star Condor. It is known as Tank Command 1 in the toy.
Jet Delta : Green Flash and Yellow Flash's fighter jet. It forms the right limbs of the Flash King. It is stored in the rear of the Star Condor, to the right of the Jet Seeker. It is known as Jet Delta 2 in the toy.
Jet Seeker : Blue Flash and Pink Flash's AWACS jet. It forms the left limbs of the Flash King. It is stored in the rear of the Star Condor, to the left of the Jet Delta. It is known as Jet Seeker 3 in the toy.
Reconstructive Experiment Empire Mess (Enemy)
The Reconstructive Experiment Empire Mess takes over planets, using their lifeforms as fodder for its experiments. Their goal is to transform Great Emperor Ra Deus into the strongest being in the universe.
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