Takeru / Red Mask : The leader of the group. He is a specialist in karate and a Formula 1 driver. He was spotted by Sugata a year prior to the series' starting storyline while rescuing a woman and her child. When he was challenged by Sugata, he did not back down and Sugata offered him a spot on the Maskman team, anticipating the invasion of Tube.
Kenta / Black Mask : The second in command of the team. He specializes in kung fu. He is shy around women. He is lighthearted, but strong and dependable, making him an ideal second-in-command, which was proven when a Dogler Beast stole the aura of the other Maskman, leaving only Kenta to fight. He worked as a mechanic for the Sugata Racing Team and once worked for the Sun Racing Team.
Akira / Blue Mask : He is the youngest Maskman. He is a Chinese boxer and a broadsword expert. His father died while he was younger and he was the only child -- left his mother back home alone to move to Tokyo in order to perfect his martial arts ability (in reality to join the Maskman). Unknowingly enters a Tube-rigged tournament in order to win and to prove to his mother that he is succeeding in the purpose he left her for.
Haruka / Yellow Mask : She was raised in a family of ninjas. Forced by her ninja father to abandon all things "girly" to focus on her ninja training, therefore she appears tomboyish and is a fierce fighter. She is highly intelligent. She loves dancing and tutors a young girl who is unable to afford dance lessons.
Momoko / Pink Mask : She is an expert in Tai Chi Chuan. A young woman with a pure heart, she often teaches youths Tai Chi. Strong and dedicated, she once, by chance, met Ial and Igam's mother, who gave her the saintly flower known as Carollove which Momoko treasures. In one infamous episode, she involuntarily "de-henshined" from weakness after the team used the Shot Bomber to destroy a monster.

Underground Empire Tube (Enamy)
The Underground Empire Tube was once a peaceful underground empire, corrupted by usurper Zeba, who now intends to rule surface world.
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