
Chikyuu Sentai Fiveman (1990)

Gaku Hoshikawa / Five Red : He is the eldest and leader of the team. A Science teacher skilled in kendo. He was 7 at the time of the Zone's attack on Sidon. Calm and responsible, he had the task of raising his four siblings along with Arthur G6, making him not just a big brother but also a leader and a parental figure.
Ken Hoshikawa / Five Blue : The second born. A Physical education teacher skilled in judo. The subleader of Fiveman. He is extremely passionate in everything he does, relies more in the body combat than in weapons. Even taught one of his students the meaning of courage by defeating a foe without transforming.
Fumiya Hoshikawa / Five Black : The fourth born and twin brother of Remi. A Japanese teacher skilled in karate. He has a wide range knowledge of various languages, even alien ones. Despite this, he tends to be childish and reckless. He and Remi were only 1 year old during the attack on Sidon, therefore they continuously suffer for not remembering their parent's faces.
Kazumi Hoshikawa / Five Pink : The third born. A Math teacher skilled in fencing. Calm and intelligent, she can analyze and calculate with her "computer like" brain. She was 3 years old at the time of the attack on Sidon and remembers nothing but fear which she had to overcome to do battle with Zone as an adult. Protective and caring, she is a maternal figure to her younger siblings.
Remi Hoshikawa / Five Yellow : The twin of Fumiya. A music teacher skilled in kung fu. Disastrous at housekeeping and cleaning, tasks she leaves to Kazumi or Arthur. She has excellent rhythm and musical sense, she is also a rhythmic gymnast and dancer, which she applies to her fighting. She teaches kids kung-fu in her spare time. In episode 4, she got drunk when water was turned into alcohol.

Silver Imperial Army Zone (Enamy)
The Silver Imperial Army Zone is an alien army plotting to rule the entire Milky Way, it flies across universe attacking worlds with its Galactic Warriors. Earth will be its 1,000th destroyed planet, at which point Meadow will gain eternal life. They operate from their ship Vulgyre and can send smaller battle ships called Vulgols. They use the Galactic currency Dolyen which is said to be equal to 100 earth yens.

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